Monday, March 24, 2014

Hope for Adoption

It's hard to share with others and those that don't know you exactly how you feel about adoption.  It's also difficult to show who you are in words. That's why we thought it would be fun to make a little video to hopefully show a little bit about us.

Well hello!

     We want to thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about us during
this time. Our family wouldn’t be complete without the blessing of adoption and the joys
it has brought to our little family.

     I’m sure you’d like to know a little about us to begin with. First we have been
married 14 years and have been best friends from our first date. We met while
attending college at Utah Valley University in a student government class. We dated
for several months prior to Casey asking the big question! We were sealed in the Salt
Lake Temple 4 months later. After graduating college we wanted to start our family not
realizing that we would be faced with the challenge of infertility. After years of trying we
knew that adoption was our blessing of becoming a family. Our papers were filed with
LDS Social services and we began praying for birthparents. Then one day our world
changed as we received a phone call from a family friend who said that there was a 6
month old baby girl who needing a home. Little did we know, that home was ours!

About us



When you were born, Daddy and I weren't there with you. When you were born, Daddy and I didn't even know you were here on earth. When you were learning to sleep through the night, we were peacefully sleeping in our own beds getting a good solid uninterrupted 8 hours in. When you were learning to laugh we didn't hear it for the first time. When you turned 6 months both our worlds changed. Overnight.